
Space Battleship Yamato 2202 Stream
space battleship yamato 2202 stream

Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 2202, Pt. See also the character pages for Space Battleship Yamato and Space Battleship Yamato 2199.In response to a mysterious plea, the Yamato and its crew undertake one more mission for the good of their species. Characters from Space Battleship Yamato 2202.Much like its predecessor, this page will deal with characters introduced and/or created specifically for this series, or older characters who have changed or expanded characterization in this series.

The people of Earth restored their planet with the Cosmo Reverse System, and they signed a peace treaty with Garmillas. Three years after the Yamato's return from the planet Iscandar. Alt title: Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2202: Ai no Senshi-tachi. His opposition to the Earth Federation rebuilding its fleet with Wave Motion-based tech made him many enemies, which is why he was quietly "appointed" as the commander of the Earth forces garrisoned there on the 11th planet of the Solar system.5th Space Battleship Yamato 2202 Anime Film Streams Promo Video Featuring Dessler (Mar 8, 2018) Japans Animation DVD Ranking, February 26-March 4 (Mar 6, 2018) Japans Animation Blu-ray Disc. A former commander of the Cosmo Navy, Captain Hijikata was a veteran of the Gamillas-Earth war, and a close friend of the late Captain Okita.

space battleship yamato 2202 stream

Rugged Scar: Has a cross-shaped scar on the left side of his jaw from a previous battle. Heroic Sacrifice: He joins Keyman on his flight to destroy the energy core of the Ark of Destruction, using his Mini-Mecha as additional AA defense. In this series, he just thinks that Kodai is way too idealistic in a war against the very bloodthirsty Gatlantis. Adaptational Nice Guy: Is much more nicer to Kodai in this series than in Yamato 2, where he would go out of his way to antagonize Kodai at every turn. A big bruiser of a marine, Saito is no stranger to the brutal nature of combat, though he surprisingly thoughtful and soft-hearted out of battle. Humans Are Flawed: Believes in this, but cites it as a virtue.The rough and tumble commander of the Space Cavalry 5th Regiment, assigned to the 11th planet of the Sol system.

space battleship yamato 2202 stream

Sacrificial Lamb: He gets seriously wounded during the Telezart landing operation, and while he gets medevac'd back to the Yamato, Dr. New Meat: He's very much a greenhorn, especially compared to the rest of his squadron, who all flew in the Yamato during its quest to Iscandar. Turns out he was right Akira was one of those announced KIA in episode 25, but turned out to be alive in episode 26.

Composite Character: Takes the role that Akiko Todou (Todou's granddaughter), at the same time takes aspects of the much older Wendy Singleton from the Starblazers: Rebirth comic (who was a line officer in the Star Force and her grandfather's successor). The Captain: A rare female version, she is this for the Ginga. Adaptation Expansion: We're given a glimpse into her motivations in 2202, and why she had a rather dour and pragmatic mindset initially. Ascended Extra: She was barely seen in the previous series, but here she's climbed up the ranks to become the commander of a very important warship. She takes her command very seriously, and comes off strict and uncompromising.

She tries this on Saburo later on though, and because she plays on his Adult Fear, she succeeds. The Corrupter: She tries several times to get Keyman to turn on the Yamato, citing that they are Not So Different, though she doesn't succeed in this. I Am Who?: Touko learns, much to her own surprise, that not only is she technically the last living Zemulian, she was also the clone of Zorder's murdered wife. In truth she's a Gatlantis spy, and what's more a body clone of Sabera herself. This is a big responsibility, and it leans heavily on her much like her crew, making her come off as very grim and serious.A female archeologist that boards the Yamato along with the refugees after Gatlantis attacked the 11th planet of the Sol system.

Zorder takes advantage of this link to pinpoint where Touko is in the Yamato during the final battle, where he then sends a swarm of Needleslaves to kill her. Psychic Link: As a Sabera clone, Zorder can talk to her mentally, and look through her eyes, while Touko can only reply back. The Mole: Serves as Zorder's spy inside Yamato, until that is Keyman gets wise to her antics. I Gave My Word: Gives Saburo the formula to the cure of Planet Bombing Syndrome, as a down payment for him sabotaging the Wave Motion engine for her. Heel≯ace Turn: Throws her lot with the Yamato when she learns about the truth of the Zemulian people, Gatlantis, and her own role in all of this. And in an interesting twist, she keeps her promise.

Ace Pilot: Is an exceptionally skilled pilot, with possibly only Yamamoto and Kato able to match him on the Cosmo Navy side. Ace Custom: Pilots a customized white and silver-patterned Tsvarke fighter, which is armed with non-standard Attack Drone launchers and EMP torpedoes. He is a skilled pilot, and knows more than he lets on about both the Yamato and the politics back home. In the final battle, she uses this to grab control of dozens of unfinished Calakmul-class battleships to protect the Yamato, as well as to open the gates to the throne room of the Ark.A Gamillas military intelligence agent attached to its Earth Embassy, he joins the Yamato on its journey to Telezart.

Then he apparently sabotages the Yamato's Wave Motion engine. Double Reverse Quadruple Agent: Introduced as a member of the Gamillas miltary intelligence bureau. Composite Character: Takes cues from Lieutenant Alphon of the Dark Nebula arc, with the modern take on Dessler's moral ambiguity thrown in.

In the end, he decides that his loyalty is to Yamato and the Gamillan people as a whole, and not his family's hidden legacy. Even himself, and it leaves him extremely conflicted. It makes one wonder where his loyalty really lies. Then it looks like he throws his lot with his uncle Dessler when the latter is shown to be alive.

Not surprising, as Dessler is his uncle. Strong Family Resemblance: He looks like a younger Dessler, except with much more fashionable hair. Heroic Sacrifice: He volunteers for the mission to disable the Ark of Destruction's core, despite knowing he has no chance at surviving. Yes, he's Abeldt's nephew. Given Name Reveal: "Klaus Keyman" is just an alias, and his real name is Ranhalt Dessler. He does so, and turns back on his uncle to remain loyal to the Yamato to the very end.

The Cavalry: Arrives with the bulk of Gamillas' feet to defend Earth in episode 24. Despite looking like a mild-mannered civil servant, he is quite capable of using strong-arm tactics to get what he wants. A veteran of the Earth-Gamillas war, Loren is very invested in making sure that the alliance between his planet and Earth stays strong. He settles into the role of tactical adviser and unofficial member of the Yamato's fighter compliment.The Gamillas ambassador to Earth.

Reasonable Authority Figure: Compared to the Gamillas commanders in 2199, Loren is downright civil and calm-headed. Hidden Badass: People tend to underestimate him as he definitely looks like a diplomat, and tend to forget that, yes, he also used to be a Gamillas fleet commander. Guile Hero: Manages to convince the Federation president that it would be in their best interests to let the Yamato continue on to Telezart.

His death, or rather, the responsibilities and legacy he leaves behind, turns Abelt into the ambitious and expansionist ruler he became. A soldier with many talents, who was also well-loved by both the public and the military, he died relatively young.

space battleship yamato 2202 stream